Logo with text "Resilience Roundup" positioned around a circle

Resilience Round Up

Resilience Roundup is a series of resilience guides crowdsourced from City, State, media, and partner resources.

Each guide is designed to help you, your loved ones, your organizations, and/or communities you serve to prepare for, respond to, or recover from crises.

Please click on one of the icons below to view the accompanying guide – and share with your networks! You can reach us at [email protected] with questions or additions.

Text reading "COVID-19" next to image of a virus molecule
Text reading "Cyber Attack" next to image of computer chip with a bug on it
Text reading "Extreme Heat" next to image of houses under a sun and waves of heat
Text reading "Flash Flood/Coastal Storm" next to image of a house experiencing rain and flooding
Text reading "Smoke-Impacted Air Quality" next to image of a mask
Text reading "Winter Hazards" next to image of house in snowstorm